Company Profile

Company History

June 1966 "Matsuya", a Chinese restaurant, was opened at Hazawa,
Nerima-ku, Tokyo (Inauguration of Business).
July 1968 Matsuya, a restaurant specializing in beef-on-rice and set meals,
opened in Ekoda, Nerima-ku, Tokyo.
January 1980 Matsuya Shoji was established.
June 1989 Changed the company name to Matsuya Foods Co., Ltd.
October 1990 Registered with the Japan Securities Dealers Association.
October 1996 Established Ranzan Factory in Ranzan-machi, Hiki-gun, Saitama.
December 1999 Listed on the second section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
March 2001 Listed on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
March 2003 Received an environmental award as a superior food service company
from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.
January 2005 Established Mt. Fuji Factory in Fujinomiya, Shizuoka prefecture.
August 2005 Concluded an agreement with Nerima-ku, Tokyo,
to provide foods in times of emergency.
December 2005 Matsuya International, Inc., which is a subsidiary of Matsuya Foods in the U.S.,
was established.
March 2006 Took over 12 conveyor-belt style sushi restaurants
from Kobayashi Foods International, Co., Ltd.
June 2006 Concluded an agreement with Fujinomiya City, Shizuoka,
to provide foods in times of emergency.
December 2006 The headquarters was relocated from Shimo-shakujii, Nerima-ku, Tokyo
to Naka-cho, Musashino City, Tokyo (current office).
February 2009 Received the 2008 "Encouragement Award" of Environmental Minister Award
for Promotion of 3R for Containers and Packages.
September 2009 We opened “Matsuya XianXia Road Restaurant”
(first directly-owned restaurant)in Changning District of Shanghai City, China.
September 2010 Received Excellent Workplace Employing the Handicapped award
from Saitama prefectural governor.
November 2011 Established Kawajima production and Distribution center in Kawajima-cho,
Hiki-gun, Saitama.
December 2011 Received thank-you certificate from Minister of Agriculture,
Forestry and Fisheries for assistance offered after the Tohoku Earthquake.
August 2012 Matsuya Foods Group hit 1,000 restaurants.
March 2013 Matsuya which specializing in beef-on-rice and yakiniku set meals, hit 1,000 restaurants.
October 2013 First Matsunoya, a restaurants specializing in breaded pork cutlets, opened in the Kansai area (Nansan-dori location).
July 2016 50th Anniversary.
June 2016 50th Anniversary.
June 2016 Kazutoshi Kawarabuki inaugurated as President and Representative Director, Genji Midorikawa became Executive Vice Chairman.
October 2016 "Matsunoya" opened 100th location.